
Integrate full customer feedback loops

Integrate full customer feedback loops

Unify insights across the entire customer journey into a single view, breaking data deluge and giving your team a shared understanding of the voice of the customer. With connection to sources for online reviews, support tickets, customer surveys, chat messages, and more.


Multilingual Conversational Interviews Moderated by AI

Conduct in-depth one-on-one interviews across multiple languages simultaneously. The AI interviewer engages users in nuanced dialogue, probing deeper to uncover underlying motivations and contextual insights behind responses.


Qualitative Data Synthesis and Analysis

Parse interview transcripts through advanced natural language processing to generate rich summaries, identify and quantify emerging themes, and surface impactful verbatim quotes that vividly illustrate key findings. This systematic approach extracts maximal insight from qualitative data.

All-in-One Platform

Scale with confidence, not guesswork.

Align decision-making with the insights that point development in the right direction.

Get started easily with our intuitive interface.

Import and analyse feedback from 1,500+ sources.

Share insights by connecting Slack, Jira, Teams and more with unlimited seats for every-team access.

Try it out

Monterey AI has transformed how we understand our users needs, and act on them. The smart tags catch trends that we would've before missed, and the whole experience is intuitive and easy.

Brandon Stritmatter



With Monterey AI, we are getting tons of feedback that would we would not hear otherwise. Monterey really shortens the distances between our users and the team.

Coco Mao



Monterey AI gives our organization critical insight into our user feedback. This tool has given back so much time to our product team. Absolutely indispensable!

Jerry Zhou

Chief Executive Officer


Get connected with Monterey AI

We’d love to learn more about what you’re trying to achieve and explore how we can help you understand your customers. Book a personalized demo to chat with our team.

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